What Do You Need to Know Before Choosing a Transformer?

If you need to buy a transformer for your industrial operation, then you will want to assess your choices and make the best purchase from a productivity and durability point of view. You may have many options to consider, but you will need to determine where you are going to place the machine and, crucially, how to deal with the dissipation of heat. What do you need to know? Heat Dissipation Loss [Read More]

3 Things You Should Understand About Cleaning Up Asbestos

Popularly known for being hazardous because of its carcinogenic properties, asbestos is a building material that was commonly used in the early twentieth century. While the manufacture of many asbestos materials was stopped late in the same century, many houses, commercial buildings and apartments, as well as hospitals and schools, still have asbestos. For this reason, the need for safe asbestos removal and clean-up is necessary particularly when one is planning to renovate or demolish a building. [Read More]

What to Expect During Asbestos Auditing

Are you in charge of a workplace? If you have control of a workplace, you're required by law to identify and assess the risk of asbestos exposure in the workplace. To fulfil this legal requirement, you need to seek out the services of an asbestos auditing company. What will this professional do to help to identify and assess risks associated with exposure to asbestos at workplace? Keep reading on below to find out. [Read More]