Three possible causes of mould in your home

Mould in your home is unsightly and can lead to health problems, especially in people with asthma and respiratory issues. The best thing to do if you find it is to contact a professional remediation service. However, you can also take steps to prevent it if you understand what causes it and how it spreads. Here are some of the things that can lead to a mould outbreak in your home.

High humidity

The first thing that can lead to mould growth is a high level of moisture in the air in your home. Mould is a fungus that thrives in damp conditions, so a high level of humidity is one of the first things that can lead to an outbreak. Fortunately, this is a simple thing to control. A dehumidifier will remove the moisture from the air and keep humidity at a lower level. However, you may find that better ventilation is all that is required. Open your windows whenever you can to allow air to circulate, and make sure your exhaust fans and air conditioning are in good repair. You should also try to avoid drying clothes on radiators, as the water in the clothes will evaporate into the air, and encourage mould to grow. 

Leaking pipes 

The second problem that can cause mould growth is a leaking pipe. This does not have to be big for mould to begin to grow and spread; in fact, the mould may be the only sign that you have a problem. If you notice water stains on your walls or a musty smell, it could be a sign that you have a plumbing problem that is causing the mould. You should have the problem investigated and fixed as soon as possible.

Leaking roofs

Gaps in the outer shell of your house can also allow water in where it is not wanted. Leaking roofs are a particular problem because any water that gets through will stagnate, allowing mould to form. This can then become what is known as "systemic growth" and spread throughout the whole area. The best way to prevent this is to have your roof fixed as soon as you notice a problem. Poor maintenance in general is likely to attract mould, so make sure you inspect the building regularly and keep it in good repair.

A professional mould remediator will be able to diagnose the underlying problem as well as remove the mould and will offer advice on how to stop the mould from returning. If you have any reason to believe there is mould in your home, contact a mould remediation service today.
