Why Waterproofing Your Concrete Basement Should Be Mandatory

There are various reasons why you may not consider basement waterproofing a necessary maintenance measure. Firstly, a good number of homeowners tend to treat this space as their residence's main catchall, which translates into all forms of clutter piling up in this room since they are long forgotten. Secondly, since the basement is made from concrete, you probably assume that it would be safe from water ingress as opposed to structures that are built from timber. [Read More]

Causes and Signs of Rising Damp

Homeowners dread the presence of any type of moisture within their walls and floors. Indeed, water damage to walls/floors can be quite costly to fix, especially when not caught early enough. Rising damp is the presence of moisture within your walls. It occurs when water from the ground itself or adjacent to walls rises into the wall components. This can occur in brick, stone, and block walls. The tiny pores present in these substances tend to offer a channel for water to rise via capillary action. [Read More]